Tuesday 7 May 2024

[cobirds] Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Fruita, Mesa Co., 5/7/24

My wife called to tell me an adult male Rose-breasted Grosbeak came in to a feeder at our house this morning about 9 am. She wasn't able to get a photo. But it's the 3rd RBGR to show up at our feeder in May in 4 years (the first two were both yearling males). I had just mentioned this morning half-jokingly to keep an eye out for them because this is when they've showed up in the past. We are just north of the Co-op Country hardware store on the west side of Fruita (near the Big Salt Wash trail). She only saw it once, but previous birds have stuck around for up to 3 days, so...

Brett Walker
Fruita, CO

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