Today, I went to Belmar to see if the warbler flock reported was still around. On the west side of Koonze Lake, I found a PALM WARBLER. He was hanging with a few Yellow-rumps, one Orange-crowned Warbler, and a Wilson Warbler. This area can be found after crossing the small foot bridge (walking east) and taking the small trail to the south that dead-ends. At the end of this little finger is a bunch of small shrubs, and you will see a Tree Swallow nest box. On the east side of Koonze Lake, I came across two BLACKPOLL WARBLERS. In the gallery below, you will notice that the birds in photos one and three are different birds. I had them both in one binocular view at one point. They were feeding low at lake's edge north of the cement path that leads to the gazebo. They were in company of Yellow-rumped Warblers. I saw several flocks of Yellow-rumped Warblers, 5 Orange-crowned Warblers, 4 Wilson's Warblers, but no Townsend's Warblers. Photos of both birds can be seen in the gallery below:!i=2105260671&k=JCS9bVB">!i=2105260671&k=JCS9bVB
Mark Chavez
Lakewood-Green Mtn
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