Monday 7 October 2019

[cobirds] Timnath Reservoir on 10/7 (Larimer)

I had the following of interest in the northeast corner of Timnath Reservoir today, as viewed from the public "swim beach" that has cement path and the covered swing:

Black-bellied Plover (1)
Semipalmated Plover (1)
Lots of Least and Baird's Sandpipers
Semipalmated Sandpiper (at least 1 juvenile)
Dunlin (1)
Wilson's Snipe (4)
[Did not see Pectoral Sandpiper mentioned by others but I certainly could have missed it].

A White-throated Sparrow (white-striped adult) was in the cattails along the drainage east of the cement path/swing eating kochia and knapweed seeds.  It was giving the "chink" call note, somewhat similar to, but fuller/deeper than, that of Swamp Sparrow (check iBird Pro app for comparison). 

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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