Wednesday 22 May 2019

[cobirds] Tennessee Warbler, et. al., CSR, El Paso Co, WED

Hey COBirders,

Cool, Damp, Cloudy, and SE winds at Clear Spring Ranch at dawn. Oh Boy! Things were moving early, and I banded 30 birds by 7:30, but then it went dead. Ok, that was a good morning!, So as I go to close at 10:00 another wave of migrants arrived, and I did non-stop banding until12:30!  85 birds total today. Highlights:

FOS Tennessee Warbler male (photo below)
FOS Orchard Orioles 2 females. A male had been around for several days, but avoids the nets!

Willow Flycatcher, imm
Swainson's Thrush, 7. About as close to a fallout as I get.
Clay-colored Sparrow, 2 imm
Brewer's Sparrow, imm
Com Yellowthroat, 8
Yellow Warbler 16
MacGillivray's Warbler 2
Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler, 1 imm male
Blue Grosbeak, Ad F (They bite.)
Lazuli Bunting, 8 (5 F)
Bullock's Oriole, Ad M, F

Happy Migration,
Steve Brown
Colo Spgs

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