Tuesday 1 October 2019

[cobirds] Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Banding Report - Chico Basin Ranch, 10/1/19

Happy October! I was much more of a fan of today's weather than I was of the last few days', with overcast skies and seasonably mild temps. Too bad it wasn't the most ideal for getting a high volume of migrant, and for the 3rd straight banding day we had under 20 new captures: 15 birds of 11 species, to be precise. We also had the most recaptures of any day by far this season, with 8 birds, all banded this season. We're still waiting on recaptures from previous years this season.

Despite the low volume, there was still a good variety of birds, both in and around the nets. We were especially pleased by a lovely male Black-and-white Warbler in our first net on our first net run! That would be just the 8th fall record for this species, and first since 2015. There was also good vireo diversity (both Cassin's and Plumbeous). 

As far as our common small migrants go, Wilson's Warblers have pretty much slowed to a trickle and now seem to be handily outnumbered by Ruby-crowned Kinglets at the banding site. 

Today's summary:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3 + 3 recaptures
Wilson's Warbler 1 + 1 recapture
Black-and-white Warbler 1 (FOS)
Pink-sided Junco 1 
Plumbeous Vireo 1
Cassin's Vireo 1
Hermit Thrush 2 + 2 recaptures
Gray Catbird 2 + 1 recapture
Spotted Towhee 1
Green-tailed Towhee 1
Blue Jay 1
Brown Thrasher 1 recapture

We band 6 days a week at Chico Basin, closed Sundays. Visitors are welcome at our banding stations. Registration is required for groups. For more information and hours of operation, visit birdconservancy.org/birdbanding

For the remainder of the week, we'll be opening nets at 7:00 AM and closing at noon, weather permitting. Come visit!

Robert Snowden
Bander, Chico Basin Ranch
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

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