Thursday 23 May 2019

[cobirds] Yellow-crowned Night Heron, El Paso County

CO Birders,


For the record, a citizen in Monument, CO, had been trying to figure-out this stealthy visitor to their backyard for a few days starting late last week (their words re stealthy behavior). They are just east of Monument Creek in Monument (north of water treatment plant). They thought it was a Yellow-crowned Night Heron, and took this photo Tuesday AM after the snow. Not a happy heron (yes, anthropomorphizing….).


They didn’t know what to do and submitted to CC library email on Tues. OK. An astute librarian forwarded contact info to me. After some emails today, they said that they had a photo from Tues, but didn’t see yesterday. They’d phone me right away if it showed-up again. No word so far….


Very interesting possible record.



Steve Getty, Colorado Springs, CO  



It also has some feathers coming off the head sort of like a bobwhite.

Sent from my iPhone

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