Thursday 23 May 2019

[cobirds] Migrants, CSR, El Paso Co, THurs

Hey COBirders,

Another cool, damp, perfect morning for migrants at Clear Spring Ranch today. No rarities, but lotsa birds. Visitors said they observed continuing large numbers of Swainson's Thrush and Audubon's Warblers on the walk in, but those avoided my nets mostly.  Ciopping Sparrows - one flock of 42 hit the nets at the same time.  Several Flycatchers today - 3 Willow Flycatchers, plus 2 suspected Alder Flycatchers by wing and bill measures, 3 Dusky Flycatchers and a W W Pewee. One more Northern Waterthrush, lotsa Lazuli Buntings, Lincoln Sparrows, Yellow Warblers, Com Yellowthroats, one Wilson's Warbler F, and a late Orange-crowned Warbler M, my first in two weeks.  115 birds captured today (!). That is about 300 since Monday. I plan to band to 6/1/19, but if numbers continue, I may go longer.

Having too much fun, 
Steve Brown
Col Spgs

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