Saturday 15 September 2018

[cobirds] "Pine Warbler" ID, CSR, El Paso Co, Sat

Hey again COBirders,

Thank you to the several replies to my warbler ID query yesterday.  While it was a split decision, the majority of respondents gave good evidence why they thought it was a F Blackpoll Warbler instead. That's fine - it makes more sense than a Pine Warbler. I amend my report!

Today the heat, calm and clear skies continued, with fewer birds, but still a late arrival of warblers after 10:00, when it was already hot. Nothing too unusual today, 29 birds banded:  12 Wilson's Warblers, 1 Juv M MacGillivary's Warbler, 3 Orange-crowned Warblers (celata ssp), 2 more Clay-colored Sparrows (!), and the higher numbers of Lincoln's Sparrows continues - 6 more today (35 this week).

Have a good weekend, 
Steve Brown
Colo Spgs

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