Friday 14 September 2018

[cobirds] Pine Warbler (?), CSR, El Paso Co, Fri

Hey COBirders,

It was hot and still banding at Clear Spring Ranch this morning. Like others, I TRIED to close early for the heat, but had a large wave of Wilson's Warblers and Lincoln's Sparrows come in at 10:30. Included with them was a mystery warbler.  42 birds banded, including Mountain White-crowned, Lincoln's, Lark, Vesper, Song, Chipping, Clay-colored, and Brewer's Sparrows, and a juv F Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

At first, from a distance,  I thought the warbler was Orange-crowned, because of the face - but it had bright white undertails - so maybe Tennessee?? But it was way too big.  Best match I could find was imm. male  Pine Warbler, but I am not sure, so I am posting these photos for others to weigh-in. (below)

Feet look yellow, but I didn't get the impression of bright yellow legs and feet like commonly seen on a Blackpoll, just lighter on the underside.
Wing Length 75mm, Tail 52mm - which is a stretch for F Blackpoll, but fits for M Pine.
I think the undertail looks longer than is usual for a Blackpoll, maybe more overall like Pine.
Overall color looked pretty bright to me, so I thought M Pine. Outer primary coverts look edged, but narrow, so I thought Imm male. Not much white in the tail… more like Pine?

Ok, so what do the experts think?  I am open to interpretations.

Steve Brown
Colo SPgs

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