Monday 17 September 2018

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 17 September 2018

Compiler: Joyce Takamine
e-mail: RBA AT 
This is the Date: September 17, 2018 
Rare Bird Alert for Monday, September 17 sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. 

Note that the RBA is using the new AOU checklist.
Rare and out of range species for the last seven days include: (*indicates new information on this species)

Greater White-fronted Goose (Montezuma)
Bufflehead (Pueblo)
Hooded Merganser (Arapahoe)
Chukar (Mesa)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (*Routt)
Red-necked Grebe (*Montezuma)
Clark's Grebe (*Kiowa)
Band-tailed Pigeon (*Routt)
White-winged Dove (Pueblo)
Virginia Rail (*Larimer, Montezuma, *Teller)
Sora (Eagle, *Larimer, Montezuma)
Black-necked Stilt (Eagle, *Mesa, Otero, Pueblo)
American Avocet (Adams, *Kiowa, *Larimer, *Morgan, Otero, *Park, Pueblo, Washington)
Black-belllied Plover (Adams, Morgan, Washington)
Semipalmated Plover (Adams, *Larimer, *Morgan, Otero, Pueblo)
Marbled Godwit (Adams, *Kiowa, Larimer, Weld)
Stilt Sandpiper (Adams, *Kiowa, Morgan, Otero, Weld)
Sanderling (Adams)
Dunlin (Morgan)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (*Morgan)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Adams, *Kiowa, *Larimer, *Morgan, Otero)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Adams, *Larimer, Morgan, Otero, Pueblo)
Western Sandpiper (Adams, *Morgan)
Solitary Sandpiper (Adams, Larimer, Las Animas, Otero, *Park)
Willet (Washington)
Red-necked Phalarope (Adams, *Arapahoe, *Kiowa, *Morgan, Otero, Pueblo, Washington)
Parasitic Jaeger (Douglas, *Jefferson)
Long-tailed Jaeger (Douglas, *Jefferson, Pueblo)
Sabine's Gull (Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson)
Bonaparte's Gull (Adams)
LITTLE GULL (Washington)
Mew Gull (Arapahoe)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Adams, Douglas, Larimer, Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (Douglas, Washington)
Caspian Tern (Adams, Douglas, Jefferson, Larimer, Otero, Washington)
Black Tern (*Arapahoe, Kiowa, Larimer, Washington)
Common Tern (Washington)
Forster's Tern (Larimer, Montezuma)
Common Loon (Adams, Eagle)
American Bittern (Broomfield)
Great Egret (Montrose)
Snowy Egret (*Routt)
Little Blue Heron (Weld)
Cattle Egret (Mesa)
Green Heron (*Denver, Otero)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (Montezuma, *Ouray)
White-faced Ibis (Adams, *Kiowa, Mesa, Montezuma, Otero, *Park, Pueblo, Routt, Washington)
Broad-winged Hawk (*Phillips)
Lewis's Woodpecker (La Plata)
Williamson's Sapsucker (*Montrose)
Red-naped Sapsucker (Ouray, *Weld)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern) (Otero)
Olive-sided Flycatcher (Mesa)
Willow Flycatcher (Ouray)
Least Flycatcher (*Kiowa, Weld)
Hammond's Flycatcher (Adams, Broomfield, El Paso, Mesa, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Jefferson, *Larimer, Mesa, Weld)
Dusky Flycatcher (*Adams, Jefferson, *La Plata, *Larimer, Ouray, Weld)
Western Flycatcher (El Paso)
Cordilleran Flycatcher (*Denver, Douglas, Montezuma)
Black Phoebe (*La Plata, Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (*Fremont)
Cassin's Kingbird (Pueblo)
Eastern Kingbird (*Kiowa, Larimer)
Great Crested Flycatcher (*Kiowa)
Loggerhead Shrike (*Park)
Gray Vireo (Mesa)
Cassin's Vireo (Adams, El Paso, *Fremont, *Larimer, *Teller)
Red-eyed Vireo (Adams)
Pinyon Jay (Mesa, Montezuma, Ouray)
Steller's Jay (*Ouray, *Teller)
Blue Jay (*Teller)
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay (*Boulder, *Larimer, Montezuma, *Montrose, Ouray)
Clark's Nutcracker (*Ouray)
Violet-green Swallow (Weld)
Bushtit (Adams, Jefferson, *Larimer, Mesa, *Ouray)
Marsh Wren (Adams, Arapahoe, Eagle, Jefferson)
Bewick's Wren (Las Animas, Montezuma, Pueblo)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (*Boulder, Jefferson, *Larimer, Mesa, *Montezuma, Montrose, Phillips, San Juan, Washington)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Adams, San Migue, *Tellerl)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (*Adams, Larimer, Montezuma, *Morgan, *Teller, Washington,* Weld)
Swainson's Thrush (El Paso, *Kiowa)
Hermit Thrush (Adams)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Larimer, Pueblo)
Brown Thrasher (*Larimer, *Morgan, Otero, Weld)
Sage Thrasher (Adams, Jefferson, *Larimer, Weld)
American Pipit (Larimer, *Teller)
Chipping Sparrow (Adams, El Paso, Jefferson)
Clay-colored Sparrow (Adams, *Bent, Denver, El Paso, *Larimer, Otero, Pueblo)
Brewer's Sparrow (Adams, Denver, El Paso, *La Plata, *Larimer, *Ouray, *Routt, Weld)
Lark Bunting (Adams, Pueblo)
Savannah Sparrow (*Denver, Eagle, *Larimer, Pueblo, *Routt, Washington)
Grasshopper Sparrow (*Larimer)
Lincoln's Sparrow (*Adams, Broomfield, *Denver, El Paso, Jefferson, *Kiowa, *Larimer, Otero, Ouray, *Weld)
Yellow-breasted Chat (Larimer, *Montrose, Ouray)
Orchard Oriole (Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (La Plata)
Prothonotary Warbler (*Jefferson)
Tennessee Warbler (*Adams, *Kiowa, Larimer)
Nashville Warbler (Adams, *Morgan)
Virginia's Warbler (*Montrose)
Blackpoll Warbler (*Bent, El Paso, *Larimer, Phillips)
Palm Warbler (San Miguel)
Pine Warbler (Jefferson)
Grace's Warbler (Archuleta, *La Plata)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (El Paso, *La Plata, Montezuma)
Townsend's Warbler (El Paso, Larimer)
Summer Tanager (Routt)
Blue Grosbeak (*Montrose, (Weld)
Lazuli Bunting (El Paso)
Indigo Bunting (Kiowa, *Morgan, Yuma)

---On September 13 at Barr Lake Banding Station, Meredith McBurney banded Hammond's Flycatcher, Cassin's Vireo, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  On September 14 at Barr Lake Banding Station, Meredith McBurney banded Dusky Flycatcher, Marsh Wrenn and 2 Chipping Sparrow.  On September 15 at Barr Lake Banding Station, Meredith McBurney banded Dusky Flycatcher, Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2 Hermit Thrush, Sage Thrasher, 6 Chipping Sparrow, 2 Clay-colored Sparrow, 5 Lincoln's Sparrows.  On September 16 at Barr Lake Banding Station, Meredith McBurney banded Dusky Flycatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, f Tennessee Warbler, and 2 Lincoln's Sparrows.
---On September 13 at Barr Lake SP, David Dowell reported 19 American Avocet, Marbled Godwit, 2 Sanderling, 5 Pectoral Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpiper, 28 Red-necked Phalarope, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common Loon, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Lincoln Sparrow.  On September 15 at Barr Lake SP, Gabriel Wiltse reported 10 American Avocet, 6 Black-bellied Plover, 2 Semipalmated Plover, 2 Marbled Godwit, 20 Stilt Sandpiper, 8 Sanderling, 2 Pectoral Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, 2 Western Sandpiper, 15 Red-necked Phalarope, Solitary Sandpiper, 2 Sabine's Gull, Bonaparte's Gull, Caspian Tern, Common Tern, 10 White-faced Ibis, Dusky Flycatcher, Cassin's Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Lark Bunting, Nashville Warbler.
---On September 15 at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park), James McCall reported 5 Bushtit, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and 3 Brewer's Sparrows.

---On September 13 at South Platte Park Eagle Watch Lake, Cynthia Madsen reported Hooded Merganser.
---On September 15 at Cherry Creek SP, Glenn Walbek reported ad Sabine's Gull in center of reservoir and Cynthia Madsen reported Mew Gull by the Marina.  On September 16 at Cherry Creek SP, Joe Roller reported 2 Red-necked Phalarope and Black Tern.

---On September 14 at San Juan NF Pagosa Springs, Zachariah Hutchinson reported 2 Grace's Warbler at (37.2672, -106.8921).

---On September 16 at Van's Grove (JJ Road east of Fort Lyon), David Dowell reported Clay-colored Sparrow and Blackpoll Warbler.

---On September 16 at Rabbit Mountain, Peter Burke reported Woodhouse's Scrub-jay and 4 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

---On September 15 at Plaster Reservoir, David Ely, Eric Zorawowicz, and Matt Hofeditz reported American Bittern, Hammond's Flycatcher, and Lincoln's Sparrow.

---On September 13 at Bluff Lake Nature Center, Rececca Laroche and DFO field trip reported Green Heron, Sabine's Gull, Clay-colored Sparrow, 5 Brewer's Sparrow, 2 Lincoln's Sparrow.  On September 15 at Bluff Lake Nature Center, George Ho reported Green Heron and 3 Clay-colored Sparrows.  On September 15 at Bluff Lake Nature Center, Jeff Dawson reported Green Heron, Savannah Sparrow and Lincoln's Sparrow.
---On September 16 at Denver City Park, Patrick O'Driscoll reported Cordilleran Flycatcher.

---On September 13 at Marina Sandspit, Diane Roberts, and Nick Moore reported Parasitic Jaeger and 2 Caspian Tern.  On September 13 at Chatfield SP Handicapped Fisherman Access, David Suddjian and DFO field trip reported Parasitic Jaeger, and 2 Long-tailed Jaeger.  On September 14 at Marina Sandspit, Sarah Leavesley, Joe Hanfman, and Gwen Moore reported Parasitic Jaeger, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and Sabine's Gull.  
---On September 13 at Roxborough SP, Bea Weaver reported Cordilleran Flycatcher, 11 Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay. And Bushtit.

---On September 13 at Piney Lake, Deanna MacPhail reported Common Loon.
---On September 14 at 948 Eagle Crest Dr, Edwards, Eric Culbertson reported 3 Black-necked Stilt and Savannah Sparrow.
---On September 15 at I-70 East and Gypsum, Eric Culbertson reported Sora and 4 Marsh Wren.

---On September 14 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded 8 Lincoln's Sparrows, 2 Clay-colored Sparrows, Brewer's Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, juv f Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and f Blackpoll Warbler.  On September 15 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded 2 Clay-colored Sparrows and 6 Lincoln's Sparrows.
---On September 13 at Chico Basin Ranch Banding Station, Kim Geissler banded 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2 Western Flycatcher, Hammond's Flycatcher, Clay-colored Sparrow, and 6 Lincoln's Sparrows.  On September 14 at Chico Basin Ranch Banding Station, Kim Geissler banded Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2 Hammond's Flycatcher, 2 Lazuli Bunting, and 3 Lincoln's Sparrows.  On September 15 at Chico Basin Ranch Banding Station, Kim Geissler banded 2 Western Flycatchers, Cassin's Vireo, Lazuli Bunting, 2 Lincoln's Sparrows, and Swainson's Thrush.

---On September 16 at Canon City Riverwalk—Sells Lake to S Raynolds Ave, Dale and Joel Adams reported Cassin's Vireo and Eastern Phoebe.

---On September 15 at Wheat Ridge Greenbelt West Lake, Chuck Aid, Dick Prickett, and Inga Brennan reported 16 Bushtit, Marsh Wren, 8 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
---On September 13 at Chatfield SP North Boat Ramp, Lisa Edwards, Michael Lester, Timo Mizen, Diane Roberts, Gabriel Wiltse and Christine Alexander reported Parasitic Jaeger, 2 Long-tailed Jaeger, Sabine's Gull, and 2 Caspian Tern.  On Septebmer 13 at Chatfield SP North Boat Ramp, David Suddjian and DFO Field Trip reported Parasitic Jaeger, 2 Long-tailed Jaeger and Sabine's Gull.  On September 14 at Chatfield SP North Boat Ramp, Myron Gerhard found a Prothonotary Warbler in Cottonwood trees and willows S of Parking Area; Mark Chavez, Gregg Goodrich, Joe Hanfman, Shannon Cwik and Pablo Quezada reported Parasitic Jaeger, 2 Long-tailed Jaeger, Prothonotary Warbler, Sabine's Gull.  On September 15 at Chatfield SP North Boat Ramp, David Suddjian and his DFO Field Trip and many other birders reported Sabine's Gull, Parasitic Jaeger, Long-tailed Jaeger, and Prothonotary Warbler.  On September 16 at Chatfield SP North Boat Ramp, Karen Drozda and her DFO Field Trip and many other birders reported Prothonotary Warbler;  Cheryl Teuton, Bob Spencer, Sondra Bland, Alan and Mary Lynne Ketcham reported Parasitic Jaeger; and Roger Massey  and Elain Wagner reported Long-tailed Jaeger.
---On September 15 at Rocky Flats NWR, Todd Deininger reported 2 Sage Thrashers, Lincoln's Sparrow, Gray Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher, Chipping Sparrow, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

---On September 18 at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir, David Dowell reported Least Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, Swainson's Thrush, and 3 Tennessee Warblers.
---On September 18 at Neenoshe Reservoir, David Dowell reported 70 Clark's Grebe, 55 American Avocet, 7 Marbled Godwit, 120 Stilt Sandpiper, 45 Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Semipalmated Sandpiper, 2 Red-neck Phlarope, 28 White-faced Ibis, 2 Eastern Kingbird, Lincoln's Sparrow.

---On September 16 at Pastorius Reservoir, Jim Beatty reported Dusky Flycatcher, Black Phoebe, 2 Brewer's Sparrows, and 2 Black-throated Gray Warblers.
---On September 16 at Haviland Lake Area, Doug Kibbe and Mackenzie Goldthwaite reported Grace's Warbler.

---On September 13 at Timnath Reservoir, Joe Mammoser reported Caspian Tern.  On September 15 at Timnath Reservoir, Scott Surner reported Caspian Tern, Sage Thrasher and American Pipit.  On September 16 at Timnath Reservoir, Andy Bankert and Caroline Olson reported 2 Semipalmated Plover, Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Semipalmated Sandpiper, Gray Flycatcher and Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay.
---On September 13 at Tri Lakes Region, Joshua Smith reported Sage Thrasher and 2 Brewer's Sparrows.
---On September 14 at Dixon Reservoir, David Wade reported Blackpoll Warbler, 2 Lincoln Sparrows, and Yellow-breasted Chat.  On September 15 at Dixon Reservoir, Brad Biggerstaff reported Blackpoll Warbler.  On September 16 at Dixon Reservoir, Brad Biggerstaff and Christine Sparks reported 10 Bushtit, 2 Blue-gray Gnatcathcer, Woodhouse's Scrub-jay, 2 Lincoln's Sparrow and Blackpoll Warbler.

---On September 14 at Bobcat Ridge, Josh Bruening reported Gray Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher, Curve-billed Thrasher, and 2 Sage Thrasher.
---On September 14 around 6:00 AM a FORK-TAILED FLYCATCHER was photographed at the solar panels near Rawhide Energy Station (information from Rachel Hopper and David Wade).  There is a two track that runs north along the solar panels from Buckeye.  
---On September 15 at Oasis east of Rawhide Energy Station, David Wade and Nick Komar reported Solitary Sandpiper, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Tennessee Warbler.
---On September 15 at Boyd Lake, David Wade and Nick Komar reported Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3 Black Tern, and 2 Forster's Tern.
---On September 16 at Boyd Lake, Nick Komar and Walter Wehtje at south end reported  3 Common Tern, and 5 Black Tern.  Most are imm or juv. 
---On September 16 at Fossil Creek Reservoir and Regional Open Space, John-Edd Brown reported 4 American Avocet, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
---On September 16 at Wellington SSWA Cobb Lake Unit, Andy Bankert and Caroline Olson reported Viriginia's Rail, Sora, Dusky Flycatcher, Cassin's Vireo, Brown Thrasher, Sage Thrashedr, Grasshopper Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, 2 Brewer's Sparrow, 5 Savannah Sparrow, and 3 Lincoln's Sparrow.

---On September 14 at Grand Junction WA, Connee Moffatt reported Chukar and 3 Hammond's Flycatcher.
---On September 13 at Cheney Reservoir, Nic Korte reported Cattle Egret and 4 White-faced Ibis.
---On September 15 at Kannah Creek and W Grand Mesa Foothills, Ryan Claar reported Olive-sided Flycatcher, 4 Pinyon Jay, and 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
---On September 15 at Horsethief Canyon SWA, Douglas Diekman reported Gray Flycatcher, Black Phobe, 24 Bushtit, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
---On September 16 at James M Robb Colorado River SP—Pear Park Section, Connee Moffatt reported Black-necked Stilt.

---On September 13 at Totten Reservoir, Erik Hendrickson reported Forester's Tern, Bewick's Wren, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  On September 14 at Totten Reservoir, Erik Hendrickson reported Greater White-fronted Goose, 1 Virginia Rail, Sora, Forester's Tern, 4 Black-crowned Night-Heron, 4 White-faced Ibis, and 4 Pinyon Jay.  On September 15 at Totten Reservoir, Jim Beatty reported Red-necked Grebe, 3 Sora, Forester's Tern, 34 White-faced Ibis, and Black-throated Gray Warbler.  On September 16 at Totten Reservoir, Erick Hendrickson reported Red-necked Grebe and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
---On September 15 at Narrguinnep Reservoir, Jim Beatty reported 22 White-faced Ibis.

---On September 14 at Baldridge and Ute Parks, Bruce Ackermand and Sandy Beranich reported Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and Great Egret at Riverbottom at Baldridge.
---On September 16 at Nucla Domestic Reservoir, Betty Fenton, Adam Cupito, Brenda Wright, and Coen Dexter reported Williamson's Sapsucker, Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, Yellow-breasted Chat, 2 Blue Grosebeak, and 2 Virginia's Warbler.

---On September 15 at Jackson Reservoir North, Norm Lewis reported 2 Semipalmated Plover, 2 Stilt Sandpiper, Dunlin, 4 Semipalmated Sandpiper, and Western Sandpiper.  On September 16 at Jackson Reservoir North, Kevin DeBoer reported American Avocet, 8 Semipalmated Plover, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, 2 Pectoral Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Thrasher, Nashville Warbler, and 2 Indigo Bunting.

---On September 15 at Holbrook Reservoir, David Dowell reported Black-necked Stilt, 115 American Avocet, Semipalmated Plover, 135 Stilt Sandpipers, 3 Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Semipalmated Sandpiper, 19 Red-necked Pharlarope, Caspian Tern, and 85 White-faced Ibis.
---On September 15 at Rocky Ford SWSA, David Dowell reported Solitary Sandpiper, Green Heron, 3 Brown Thrasher, 12 Clay-colored Sparrow, Lincoln's Sparrow and Downy Woodpecker (Eastern).

---On September 13 at Ridgway SP Dallas Creek, Adam Cupito reported 50 Pinyon Jay, Steller's Jay, and Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay and banded Willow Flycatcher.  From September 10 – 14 at Ridgway SP Dallas Creek, Adam Cupito banded, 4 Lincoln's Sparrows, 2 Yellow-breasted Chat, 2 Willow Flycatcher, Red-naped Sapsucker, Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay and Dusky Flycatcher.
---On September 16 at Ridgeway Reservoir below dam, Doug Kibbe and Mackenzie Goldthwaite reported imm Black-crowned Night-Heron, 4 Steller's Jay, Clark's Nutcracker, 18 Bushtit, and Brewer's Sparrow.

---On September 16 at Spinney Mountain Reservoir, Jackie DeMarco reported 7 American Avocet, Solitary Sandpiper, Loggerhead Shrike, and White-faced Ibis.

---On September 16 at Holyoke Cemetery, Dean Shoup reported Broad-winged Hawk.

---On September 15 at Chico Basin Ranch Rose Pond, Richard Bunn reported 3 Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Cassin's Kingbird, Bewick's Wren, Curve-billed Thrasher, and Clay-colored Sparrow.
---On September 13 at Pueblo Reservoir, Brandon Percival reported juv Long-tailed Jaeger and 2 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull on South Shore Marina Tires.
---On September 15 at Huerfano Reservoir, Van Truan reported White-winged Dove, Semipalmated Plover, Bufflehead (juv f), 12 American Avocet, Semipalmated Sandpiper, 2 Red-necked Phalarope, White-faced Ibis, and Lark Bunting.

---On September 15 at Yampa River Botanic Park, Phil Lyon reported Summer Tanager.
---On September 14 at Stagecoach Reservoir, Phil Lyon reported juv Snowy Egret.  On September 15 at Stagecoach Reservoir Phil Lyon reported Snowy Egret.  On September 16 at Stagecoach Reserovir, Jennifer Austin and JoAnn RIggle reported Snowy Egret and Brewer's Sparrow.
---On September 16 at 32499 CR 38 Steamboat Springs, Steve Collins reported Band-tailed Pigeon.
---On September 16 on Hwy 14 WS of entrance to Stage Coach Reservoir, Art Hudak and Gwen Moore reported Sharp-tailed Grouse.
---On September 16 at 30872 – 30966 CR 18 Steamboat Springs, Art Hudak and Gwen Moore reported 2 Savannah Sparrow and 2 Brewer's Sparrow.

---On September 13 at 250-252 CR 6, Jason St Pierre reported Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

---On September 13 Boomerang to River Trails near Telluride, Eric Hynes reported 2 Golden-crowned Kinglet and Palm Warbler (Western).  The Palm Warbler if approved would be a new country bird.

---On September 16 at Manitou Lake, Richard Bunn reported Virginia Rail, Cassin's Vireo, 4 Steller's Jay, Blue Jay, Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and 2 American Pipit.

---On September 13 at Prewitt Reservoir, Bill Kaempfer reported 2 American Avocet, Black-bellied Plover, 2 Red-necked Phalarope, Willet, LITTLE GULL, 33 Black Tern, 5 Common Tern, and 3 White-faced Ibis.  On September 15 at Prewitt Reservoir, Kiki Widjaja reported Great Black-backed Gull, 7 Black Tern, 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Savannah Sparrow.

---On September 14 at Crow Valley CG, Norm Erthal, Joey Kellner, and John Drummond reported 3 Red-naped Sapsucker, 2 Gray Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher, 2 Hammond's Flycatcher, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2 Brown Thrasher, Sage Thrasher, Orchard Oriole, Clay-colored Sparrow, 3 Lincoln's Sparrows, and Nothern Waterthrush.
---On September 16 at Norma's Grove, Gene Rutherford reported 4 Red-naped Sapsuckers (2 ad m, 2 juv), Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Lincoln's Sparrow, and 2 imm Blue Grosbeak.

DFO Field Trips 
Southeastern Colorado
Monday, September 17 – Wednesday, September 19
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)

Chatfield SP – Marina sandspit
Wednesday, September 19
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Gregg Goodrich (GreggGoodrich AT; 303=655-9135)

Pueblo area
Saturday, September 22
6:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Diane Roberts (Samatha576 AT; 720-278-9025)
This trip is FULL.

Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat/Sawhil
Saturday, September 22
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Chuck Hundertmark & Robert Righter (chundertmark8 AT; 303-604-0531)

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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