Wednesday 16 September 2015

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for September 16, 2015

Compiler:  Ira Sanders
Date: September 16, 2015
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Wednesday, September 16, sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
American Golden-Plover (Larimer)
Least Tern (El Paso)
Greater Roadrunner (Pueblo)
Acorn Woodpecker (Jefferson, La Plata)
Least Flycatcher (Adams, Elbert)
Gray Flycatcher  (Larimer, Yuma)
Black Phoebe (Boulder)
Eastern Phoebe (Weld)
Eastern-wood Pewee (Weld)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Elbert, Kiowa,Yuma)
Blue-headed Vireo (Sedgwick)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (El Paso, Kiowa)
McCown's Longspur (Kiowa)
Worm-eating Warbler (Douglas)
Northern Parula (Larimer)
Baltimore Oriole (Logan)

--A Least Flycatcher was banded by Meredith McBurney at Barr Banding Station on September 3.

--An EASTERN (LILIAN'S) MEADOWLARK has been found by Johanna Beam at McIntosh Reservoir in the NW corner.  It has
been seen with 2 young.  On July 30, Johanna Beam and Todd Deininger reported ad EASTERN MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.  On August 14, John Drummond reported 3 EASTERN (Lilian's) MEADOWLARKS (1 ad, 2 juv) at McIntosh Reservoir.  On August 26, Johanna Beam reported 2 EASTERN (Lilian's) MEADOWLARKS ( 1 heard, 1 juv seen) at McIntosh Reservoir.  On August 29, Scott Manwaring reported 1 imm EASTERN MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.  On August 31, Johanna Beam reported that she saw 3 EASTERN (Lilian's) MEADOWLARKS at McIntosh Reservoir (2 imm, 1 ad).    On September 1, Mark Minner-Lee reported EASTERN MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Joyce Takamine along Boulder Creek west of 75th St. on August 11.  On September 6, Kaempfer reported the Black Phoebe at 75th St. and the Boulder Creek.

--On September 12, a Worm-eating Warbler was found by Kellner upstream from the Kingfisher Bridge (auto bridge) over the Platte River inside Chatfield SP on the east side of the river. It was  about 1/2 mile up the river. Follow the dirt trail past where the handicapped fisherman's concrete path ends.  The grove of trees is just before you "pop out" and get up on the "high point" above the river.  GPS: 39.516233, -105.077990.

--On September 7,  Suddjian reported seeing a Great Crested Flycatcher and a Least Flycatcher at a riparian area along Horse Creek and nearby the North Fork of Horse Creek along CR 133 (Elbert/El Paso border) south of CR 34.

--An ACORN WOODPECKER was reported by Peggy Corpenny coming to her feeders in Indian Hills on September 2. On September 3, Frank and Linda Farrel, Mark Chavez, Tom Behnfield, Gwen Moore and Dean Shoup reported ACORN WOODPECKER in Indian Hills.  If you would like to try for the bird, please contact Peggy at 720-983-6490 or heartbowpress. AT

--3 non-breeding plumaged American Golden-Plovers were seen by Komar at Timnath Reservoir in the northwest corner along the shoreline on September 12.
--A Gray Flycatcher was seen by Sparks at McMurry Natural Area, in Fort Collins, on September 9.
--A Northern Parula was seen and heard by Biggerstaff  north of Spring Canyon Park/Cottonwood Glen Park a bit off the bike trail on September 4.
--On August 30 at Northern Sterling Reservoir SP, Kamepfer reported a RED-SHOULDERED HAWK.  The RED-SHOULDERED HAWK was re-found by Dunning on September 4, at the previous location, and was re-found by Dowell on September 7, (footbridge over dry inlet canal) at the previous location.

--A Blue-headed Vireo was reported by Dowell  at Ovid woods on September 7.
--Leatherman reported seeing an Eastern Wood-Pewee and Eastern Phoebe at Crow Valley CG on September 9.  

--2 Great Crested Flycatchers were reported by Dowell at Sandy Bluffs State Trust Land on September 7.

DFO Field Trips:
Mt Lindo Cemetery and Turkey Creek Park
Sunday, September 20
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Karen Drozda (Email: Phone: 303-388-0891) Trail Difficulty: Easy
Maximum Participants: 14
Directions: Meet at the parking lot just east of the Morrison
Conoco clock tower. This is on the NW corner of the
intersection of C-470 and Morrison Road.
Travel Hwy 285 south to the South Turkey Creek/Tiny Town turn off. We will drive approximately 2 miles on a well maintained gravel road up the mountain to the Mt Lindo Cemetery. Habitat is an interesting mix of Gambel oak, Douglas-fir, aspen, ponderosa pine. We will look for late migrants, sapsuckers, flycatchers, Brown Creepers. For the second stop we will continue on past Tiny Town for 0.8 miles to Turkey Creek Park. This riparian area may have Wilson's Warblers, Common Yellowthroat, late flycatchers, We will eat our lunch here weather permitting. Bring water, snacks, lunch, and carpool fare ($2-3 per person). Register online or contact leader to register. Currently 12 are registered.

Good Birding

Ira Sanders
Golden, CO

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