Friday 7 May 2021

Re: [cobirds] SE Colorado May 5th

Thank you Brandon for motivating me to head out to SE Colorado yesterday.
I had such a great day.

Since I had to drop my two teenagers off at school at 8:30 am, I didn't get to leave Colorado Springs until then and made it out to Lamar Community College about 11:30.  It was already late in the day, so I didn't see any other birders at first.  I wandered around by myself and easily found the Carolina Wren singing loudly which was a fantastic treat.  I couldn't believe how many Western Kingbirds and Brown Thrashers were everywhere.  A very red and beautiful Northern Cardinal was singing and then popped out of the bushes close by.  I also saw a Great-crested Flycatcher, but I didn't know what it was.  

After meandering around in the wooded area, I walked to an area that had a little creek and saw a bunch of warblers.  Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and a Northern Waterthrush bobbing its tail.  Then I saw a warbler that I didn't recognize.  I figured it was a female, but I wasn't sure which one it was.  Luckily, Pablo, Will and Luke showed up.  They took one look and said it was a female Wilson's.  These guys are so knowledgeable.  I am so impressed by their dedication to birding.  So, for the next little bit I tagged along with them.  They were able to identify the Great-crested Flycatcher for me and a few other birds.  They also told me about the Cape May Warbler at the Holly Rest Stop.

So, I left there and headed over to the Holly Rest Stop.  I got super lucky because a Denver birding group was there when I arrived.  There were about 17 really good birders at the rest stop looking for the Cape May.  I highly doubt I would have found the Cape May, if the group had not been there.  Since there were lots of Orange-crowned and a Townsend's, it was challenging to find the exact bird.  But someone found it.  I am not sure who, but everyone got a chance to see it.    I didn't get a very good photo, but a decent one.  Thank you to whoever it was that found the Cape May.  

After I left there, I stopped at a few places along the way back and saw a bunch more.

I didn't get home until after 10pm.  It was a long day, but soooooooo fun!
Attached are a few photos from yesterday.

Cinnamon Bergeron

On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 8:29 PM Brandon <> wrote:
With all reports from SE Colorado (Bent, Prowers, Kiowa, and Baca Counties), there were at least 16 species of Warblers found today (5 May). I saw 11 species of Warbler today, Cape May, Palm, Nashville, Virginia's, and Townsend's all reported today, though not by me.  

I saw Blackpoll, Black-and-white, Ovenbird, Northern Parula, Northern Waterthrush, Yellow, Orange-crowned, Wilson's, MacGillivray's, Yellow-rumped, Common Yellowthroat.  Also, Yellow-throated Vireo and Summer Tanager.  Tomorrow is the last "cooler" day in SE Colorado until Sunday.  It suppose to be in the high 80s to lower 90s Friday and Saturday.  Hopefully tomorrow will be another good Migration day in SE Colorado.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO

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