Monday 3 May 2021

[cobirds] Rigden Res, Fort Collins (Larimer) on 5/3/2021

Highlights today (late afternoon) in the rain:
*Red-necked Phalarope (1f breeding, maybe 2) south shore, FOY for me, seems 7-10 days early for northern Front Range

Wilson's Phalarope (3)
Peregrine Falcon (flyover)
Savannah Sparrow (10+ along the south and west sides in the weeds)
Vesper Sparrow (5, south and west sides)
Least Sandpiper (7)
Peep sp. (1) never got a good look but think it had black legs and was not a Least
Willet (only a few)
American Avocet (only a few)
Swallows (all six expected species)
Semipalmated Plover (2) south shore
Bonaparte's Gull (at least 1, maybe more flying from Rigden over toward Top Minnow)
Yellow-headed Blackbird (big flock of all females, first females I have seen in any numbers)
Very few ducks and grebes

Total of 51 species (including Top Minnow, which always has a good assortment of ducks)

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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