Friday 14 May 2021

[cobirds] Official Results for the 2021 Colorado Birding Challenge!

The official results for the inaugural Colorado Birding Challenge (COBC) are in!

A total of 50 teams chose to compete, following ABA Big Day rules that include having at least 2 members per team who all see or hear 95% of the birds counted in the county of their choice. An additional 23 teams participated in the "non-competing" category and had an enjoyable day observing birds while raising money for grassland bird conservation. Collectively, the 73 teams recorded 281 species in 44 counties throughout Colorado – a solid showing that also contributes valuable data to eBird's Global Big Day. Once all pledges have been collected, we expect to have raised over $25,000. Final results are posted at


First Place in the category of Photo/Audio, which required each team to document every sighting with either a photograph or an audio recording goes to Team JPEG Juncos. Birding in Arapahoe County, the JPEG Juncos, comprised of Rob Raker and Mitchell Bailey, documented an impressive 94 species, 60% of the county par. Honorable mention goes to Team Minner-Lee, a father-son duo (Mark and Everest Minner-Lee) who birded Boulder County and documented 69 species (40% par).


First Place in the Green category goes to the Masked Trogons, who birded Larimer County by bike and by foot. Congratulations to CFO President Nick Komar and CFO Board Director Greg Osland who managed to find 108 species (56% par) without the use of a vehicle on a very windy day! Other green teams included the Cheyenne Canyon Wrens in El Paso County, led by Allisa Linfield, and the Flying Penguins led by Jim Burnham, who also competed in Larimer County. Notably, Erin Strasser of BCR Bike for Baird's, biked, kayaked and hiked as a one-person, non-competing team in Larimer County


In the Youth category, First Place honors belong to the Crystal River's Wild Scenics (Mary Harris, Madalynn Connor, George Waaler and Katie Daniels) who birded in Garfield County and managed to see 74 species, 63% of par! Congrats to the Little Fledglings, led by Reed Gorner, who found 83 species in Jefferson County (46% par) and the Dangerous Ducks, co-led by Erin and Ezekial Lynum, whose kids turned up 41 species in Larimer County. 


There were 39 teams that competed in the automobile category covering 35 different Colorado Counties! Competition was quite strong in spite of challenging weather conditions. Four teams managed to find 90+ percent of the county par, which is truly amazing. One Big Holiday, led by Ryan Votta in Archuleta County, tallied 106 species, 93.8% par. The D/Ts (We Can Quit Anytime) led by Glenn Dunmire found 122 species in Dolores County, 95.3% par. The Grand Bunch, led by Sue Riffe birding in, wait for it, Grand County, had 102 species -- a whopping 97.1% of par!


But First Place and bragging rights for the 2021 COBC Automobile category goes to Team Ouray who counted 92 species in Ouray County, representing 98.9% of par! Congratulations to Don Marsh, Cliff Utech and Kent Nelson for a well-deserved win!


As a reminder, each of the winning teams will be awarded $1,000 to donate to the Colorado conservation organization of their choice! Of course, the real winners are Colorado's grassland birds who will benefit from the conservation efforts managed by Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, as well as all of the 173 observers who birded in this inaugural edition of the Colorado Birding Challenge! On behalf of CFO, thank you to all the teams and everyone who donated. Together we have raised needed conservation funds and launched a statewide birding event that we hope will be around for decades to come!


Peter Burke

CFO Board of Directors

COBC Competition Reviewer

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