Wednesday 12 May 2021

[cobirds] Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins (Larimer) on 5/12/21

Highlights of todays visit were:
Lazuli Buntings in a yard e of the cemetery, FOY for this area

Chipping Sparrows, FOY for this area

Swainson's Thrush (3)

BLACKPOLL WARBLER (1m) in a yard e of the cemetery, only seen briefly, eating elm leafminer adults

BOBOLINK (heard 6-7 times) moving around, in big trees on City Park 9 near driving range just s of cemetery, new species for my site list

AMERICAN PIPIT (heard flyover just after trying to track down the bobolink).  Combined with the KY Warbler last week, this is the third new species for the list I keep of Grandview Cemetery/City Park area.  One never knows, which is the joy of migration.

Empidonax flycatcher (probably Dusky)

Yellow Warbler (at least 6)

Total of 34 spp.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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