Friday 7 May 2021

[cobirds] Egret behavior, Arapahoe county

Yesterday, I had two cormorants in the middle of the pond and one snowy egret on the edge of the pond. The egret suddenly came from the side of the pond and attacked one of the cormorants using its beak and claws. The cormorant dove and escaped. It was such a surprise, I've never seen that type of behavior from an egret.
I then went down to Fountain Creek Park south of Colorado Springs. It was a beautiful day and an enjoyable walk, didn't see anything unexpected. What I saw that surprised me, though, was a Cooper's Hawk trying to take a Kingfisher in midair over the creek. The Kingfisher got away, the hawk's eyes were bigger than its talons!

I had six egrets on the pond today. (The sixth one is out of the frame.) I know it's a crappy picture but I am including it because I wanted to point out the egret on the far right. He was noticeably smaller than the other egrets and I've never seen one that is that small. Have any of you seen that?

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