Wednesday 19 May 2021

[cobirds] Common Poorwill evening outing opportunity June 3


I'm planning another outing at Ken Caryl Ranch seeking Common Poorwills on the evening of June 3, from 7:15 pm to about 9:15 pm. About a mile of walking. Hearing poorwills is expected, and there is a good chance of seeing one or two. And it is a delight to witness the gentle dusk chorus of other birds as it rises and then dwindles  into the gloaming..

I'd like to invite 8 interested birders to join me.

Masks optional, carpooling for a short drive to the birding spot is at each person's discretion but it would be nice, and distancing at one's own comfort level.

Interested birders can email me off the list and I'll confirm your spot and provide meeting details.

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Valley
Littleton, CO 

Sent from my iPhone

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