Saturday 13 August 2016

[cobirds] Re: Olive-sided Flycatcher at Brush Hollow SWA, landbird migration has begun

Hi all:

While I typically like SeEtta's posts and blog, I have to disagree with her assessment of "landbird migration."  Chipping Sparrows have been moving for more than a month, while Yellow Warblers, Lark Buntings, Bullock's Orioles, and an additional unknown number of Colorado-breeding species (but probably including all of the so-called "monsoon migrants"; see first link, below) have been on the move for 2-3 weeks (if not longer), now.  As example, Lark Bunting does not breed in Arizona, yet migrants begin arriving -- even in southern Arizona, in late July, suggesting that migration was initiated sometime before then (see second link, below).

Here's to a great, but not too great (I'm not there) fall this year!


Tony Leukering
currently Cut Bank, MT

Olive-sided Flycatcher at Brush Hollow SWA, landbird migration has begun
"SeEttaM ." <>: Aug 10 12:12AM -0600

I found an immature Olive-sided Flycatcher sallying after insects at Brush
Hollow State Wildlife area this afternoon. It had indistinct wing bars
indicative of worn adult plumage. I got two reasonable pics of it that I
have uploaded to my Birds and Nature blog.
Otherwise birding was slow. Landbird migration has begun.
SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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