Saturday 13 August 2016

[cobirds] N Waterthrush #2, CSR, El Paso Co, Saturday

Hi COBirders,

Warblers are migrating. First thing this morning at Clear Spring Ranch I banded my second Northern Waterthrush of the week, and FOS Wilson's Warblers (2), FOS MacGillivray's Warbler,(not unusual per se, but firsts and a little early).  Also had probable migrant Yellow Warblers and Com Yellowthroats. Most of the breeders and young I was seeing last week seem to have vanished!

Last spring some people had expressed interest in CS Utilities plan to build a solar array at Clear Spring Ranch. WHERE????
New signage at Exit 123 shows the project will be WEST of the freeway on CSU land, North of PPI Raceway, so away from the creek and riparian areas. Whew!

Have a birdy weekend, 
Steve Brown
Colorad Springs

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