Monday 8 August 2016

[cobirds] Ken Caryl Ranch (JEF), Littleton (ARA), Aug 6-8

[Note: Ken Caryl Ranch is not open to general public access]

Today (8/8) an Ash-throated Flycatcher (photo below) was along the Lyons Formation hogback at Ken Caryl Ranch, interestingly within a couple 100 yards of where I had one on 7/28/2015. Other birds of note in the same general area were a female Orchard Oriole, Lark Bunting, a male hybrid Lazuli x Indigo Bunting. Migrants were generally plentiful in the swale between the Lyons and Dakota hogbacks, with coverage north of Massey Draw producing 42 Western Kingbirds, 30 Say's Phoebes, 1 Dusky Flycatcher, 5 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, 54 Sage Thrashers, 69 Lark Sparrows, 95 Vesper Sparrows, 101 Chipping Sparrows, 3 Brewer's Sparrows, 24 Lazuli Buntings, 1 Bullock's Oriole, and others. Warblers were very scarce.

Hine Lake at Robert A. Easton Regional Park had a Solitary Sandpiper, Forster's Tern and Franklin's Gull.

Yesterday (8/7) at St. Mary Church in Littleton I had three Mountain Bluebirds flying south (rare for Arapahoe in summer per eBird), and 4 Red-breasted Nuthatches (suggesting a migrant movement). On 8-6 two Ospreys were cavorting over the church area, giving a most impressive variety of calls.

David Suddjian
Littleton, CO

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