Sunday 6 September 2015

[cobirds] Bird Conservancy Banding at Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso Co.

The fall bird banding season at Chico Basin Ranch has begun.  Amid the hordes of voracious mosquitoes, we netted on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of last week, totaling 71 banded thus far.
Not surprisingly, Wilson's Warbler topped the list with 33 banded.  Common Yellowthroat and Orange-crowned were the only other warbler species captured.  Flycatchers included Western and Dusky, as well as Western Wood-Pewee.  Vireos included three Cassin's and one Warbling.  A single Swainson's Thrush was caught on Saturday.  The highlight was a female Cooper's Hawk on Friday, which hit a net just as I was opening it. 
We will be open Monday - Saturday, weather permitting, through October 3rd.  Chico Basin Ranch is a fee area, so please stop by headquarters to sign in and pay.
Nancy Gobris
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (formerly Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory)

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