Monday 7 September 2015

[cobirds] Adams & Bunker #1 (Weld) on 9/6

Yesterday Nina Routh, Mike Serruto and I stopped at the reservoir 2 miles west of Weld CR77 on CR124 (Adams and Bunker #1 or "Archie Bunker Res" as I think it should be called, due to the less than happy/friendly folks who live in the house near the portion that extends on the north side of the road).

We had a nice set of shorebirds on this fast-drying-up body of water, especially north of CR124 (Porter Creek which extends into Little Crow Creek?).  Among them were many Stilt Sandpipers of mixed age and a juvenile, very spiffy Red-necked Phalarope, zillions of yellowlegs (apparently getting some good-sized leeches (look like dorso-ventrally flattened worms) from the mud in shallow water), a dowitcher we called Long-billed, and various other expected species like Least, Solitary, Baird's, and Semipalmated Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipe.  We also had an early, fly-by "taiga" Merlin.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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