Sunday 31 March 2013

[cobirds] HSR: Dinosaur Ridge (30 Mar 2013) 20 Raptors

Dinosaur Ridge
Colorado, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 30, 2013
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture099
Bald Eagle02727
Northern Harrier011
Sharp-shinned Hawk066
Cooper's Hawk11010
Northern Goshawk000
Red-shouldered Hawk000
Broad-winged Hawk000
Red-tailed Hawk12130130
Rough-legged Hawk055
Swainson's Hawk000
Ferruginous Hawk088
Golden Eagle033
American Kestrel61818
Peregrine Falcon111
Prairie Falcon01313
Mississippi Kite000
Unknown Accipiter044
Unknown Buteo099
Unknown Falcon000
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor022

Observation start time: 07:45:00
Observation end time: 15:00:00
Total observation time: 7.25 hours
Official CounterLee Farrell
Observers: Erik Larsen, Jennifer Clay, Karen Balog, Linda Farrell, Pat Conner

A number of hikers stopped by the station for the view, with only a few individuals expressing interest in what we were doing. As usual, Park Patrol Rob Reilly stopped for a few hours and was vey helpful.

A pleasant day on the hill, maintaining the optimum layers of clothing being the only challenge with the sun in and out from behind the clouds and the changing winds. Temperatures ranged from 6 to 16 degrees Celsius. Calm to light winds variable in direction were experienced throughout the morning developing into a stiffer breeze, 2-3 Beaufort out of the northwest for most of the afternoon.

Raptor Observations:
Observers during the day included Linda Farrell, Jennifer Clay, Karen Balog, Erik Larson, Nelson Ford, Pat Connor, and Ranger Rob Reilly. Calm to light winds of the morning made determination of resident vs migrator challenging as it sometimes can be. Four or five RTH were determined to be local. One first-year RTH (distinctive via missing primaries and secondaries) was first observed roaming about. Reappearing later, circled high, glided away to the north and was counted. Unusual, raptors continued to appear after 3:00 PM MST. While on the trail to the parking lot, two larger falcons were seen to pass by overhead (separate occasions) and were not counted. A local pair of RTH put on a nice aerial courtship display, also observed on the trip down to the parking lot.

Non-raptor Observations:
At least eight flocks of Mountain Bluebirds were seen heading north along the ridge. Non-raptor species included: Bushtit, American Crow, American Robin, Common Raven, Northern Flicker, Western Meadowlark, Townsend's Solitaire, Black-billed Magpie, White-throated Swift, Western Scrub-Jay.

A nice day with few clouds and low winds is predicted, similar migration counts as observed the last few days would seem likely. As sometimes occurs, the raptors may pass by at higher elevations with a clear sky.

Report submitted by Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (
Dinosaur Ridge information may be found at:

Site Description
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawkwatch in Colorado and is the
best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Dinosaur Ridge may
be the best place in the country to see the rare dark morph of the Broad-winged
Hawk (a few are seen each spring). Hawkwatchers who linger long enough may see
resident Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and Prairie Falcons, in addition to
migrating Swainson's, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks, American Kestrels and
Turkey Vultures. Peregrine Falcons and Ferruginous Hawks are uncommon; Northern
Goshawk is rare but regular. Non-raptor species include Rock Wren, and sometimes
Bushtit, Western Bluebird, Sandhill Crane, White-throated Swift, American White
Pelican or Dusky Grouse. Birders are always welcome.
The hawkwatch is generally staffed by volunteers from the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory from about 9 AM to around 4 PM from the first week of March to the
first week of May.

Directions to site:
From exit 259 on I-70 towards Morrison, drive south under freeway and take left
into first parking lot, the Stegosaurus lot. Follow small signs from the south
side of lot to hawkwatch site. The hike starts heading east on an old two-track
and quickly turns south onto a trail on the west side of the ridge. When the
trail nears the top of the ridge, turn left, head through the gate, and walk to
the clearly-visible, flat area at the crest of the ridge.

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