Thursday 27 June 2024

[cobirds] Brewer's Sparrow on territory at Reynolds Park Open Space, JeffCo

This morning our DFO field trip found a Brewer's Sparrow singing on territory at the top of Reynolds Park. It was on a south-facing slope with open shrubland of mountain mahogany, juniper and grass, near the highest point of the park along Eagle's Viw Trail. Photos and recordings are on this checklist.  

Brewer's is rather rarely found in JeffCo during June - the heart of the nesting season, with very few records in eBird for the county in June. There are no June records in eBird anywhere in the foothill section in the greater region of the park, like from Morrison toward South Park and south from I-70 to the North Fork of the South Platte. I've attached a screenshot of the eBird species map for June (all years) with a red blob in the approximate area of our singing bird. 

David Suddjian
Littleton, CO

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