Tuesday 16 April 2019

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Date:  Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Compiler: Allison Hilf; ahilf AT me.com

Phone: (303) 888-5110

E-mail: RBA AT cobirds.org


This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, April 16, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists. Observers have been helpful by reporting sightings and updates on CoBirds. Thanks!


CAPITAL LETTERS are used for very rare species, as listed by the Colorado Bird Records Committee.

(*) indicates new information on this species.


Rare, out-of-place and out-of-season species include:

Long-tailed Duck (*Arapahoe)

Red-necked Grebe (Arapahoe)

White-throated Swift(*Broomfield)

Pectoral Sandpiper (*Kiowa)

Glaucous-winged Gull (*Kiowa, Larimer)

Caspian Tern (*Kiowa)

Neotropic Cormorant (*Jefferson, *Kiowa)

Sagebrush Sparrow (Jefferson)

Fox Sparrow (Slate-colored) (Boulder)

For more information on other birds not on the RBA today, go to cobirds.org and scroll to the bottom for "Recent eBird Sightings". 



—-On April 15 a Long-tailed Duck was reported at Cherry Creek SP near the Marina & Dam.  First Reported April 14 by Cynthia Madsen.

—-On April 9 a Red-necked Grebe was reported at Aurora Reservoir by David Suddjian.


—-On April 9 a Fox Sparrow (Slate-colored) was reported at Skunk Canyon Trails by Dave Donnell.


—-On April 15 a White-throated Swift was reported at South Arista by Chipper Phillips.


—-On April 15 a Neotropic Cormorant was reported at Robert A Easten Regional Park.  First reported on April 12 by David Suddjian.

—-On April 11 a Neotropic Cormorant was reported at Belmar Park by Ben Bezuidenhout.

—-On April 10 a Sagebrush Sparrow was reported at Bear Creek Lake Park by Chris Wood.


—-On April 15 a Caspian Tern was reported at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir by Mark Peterson.

—-On April 15 a Neotropic Cormorant was reported at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir by Tony Leukering.

—-On April 15 a Pectoral Sandpiper was reported at Lower Queens Reservoir by Mark Peterson.

—-On April 15 a Glaucous-winged Gull was reported at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir.  First reported on April 13 by Tony Leukering.


—-On April 14 a Glaucous-winged Gull was reported at Horseshoe Reservoir.  First reported on April 13 by  by Andy Bankert.

Upcoming DFO Field Trips...trip details on dfobirds.org

Southwestern Metro Area

Wednesday, April 17

7:00 AM - Noon

Dale Pate (daleplate AT gmail.com, 575-706-4584)

Chico Basin Ranch

Saturday, April 20

6:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mark Amershek (mamershek AT msn.com 303.329.8646)

Mt. Falcon Park

Saturday, April 20

7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

John Breitsch   jbreitsch AT hotmail.com or 303-588-0552

Greenwood Gulch and Marjorie Perry Nature Preserve

Sunday, April 21

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Kevin Corwin   KevyGudGuy AT aol.com or 720-277-7118 

Good Birding,

Allison Hilf

Aurora, CO

(303) 888-5110

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