Sunday 5 June 2016

[cobirds] Teller Lakes South in Boulder County

Many of you may have visited Teller Lake #5 off Valmont Road where there has been a resident (thought increasingly difficult to find) winter Golden-crowned Sparrow for the past seven years or so.  But a trial from that trailhead connects all the way to another trailhead off Arapahoe Road a couple of miles to the south.  This evening I took a nice stroll from the Arapahoe end, accessed off Arapahoe between 75th and 95th Streets and found a goodly number of species, 27, in my hour+ walk.  These included lots of songbirds that we were all working hard to find a month ago—House Wren, Warbling Vireo, Bullock’s Oriole, Yellow Warbler and Common Yellowthroat.  I also noted a pair of Bobolinks present in the gradually growing Boulder County (and northern Front Range) range of these birds.  Earliest records (not by me!) for Boulder County note Bobolink breeding along South Boulder Creek more than 125 years ago.  I’m not sure they have been entered into eBird yet.


Bill Kaempfer

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