Monday 19 January 2015

[cobirds] Tundra Swans in Pueblo County



I’d like to thank Mark Peterson for posting both about four adult Tundra Swans at the Avondale Water Treatment Ponds, and mapping correctly where the ponds are. Numerous birders got to see the birds today, and they were still present this afternoon. For those not inclined to download Google Maps, these ponds are about 15 miles east of Pueblo on US 50, between mile markers 331 and 332. The ponds are on the north side of US 50, just east of the bridge over the Arkansas River. I did not know that these birds were seen on January 18th when I called Mark Peterson this morning. I still rely on cobirds for my birding information, and hope others do too.


Duane Nelson

Las Animas, Bent County, CO


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