Thursday 8 May 2014

[cobirds] On the way home from Lamar

My two-week visit to Lamar ended today. Total species in the immediate Lamar area: 126.

At LCC before heading north were several (7?) MacGillivray's Warblers, 2 Least Flycatchers, a Black-headed Grosbeak, multiple courtship displays by male Black-chinned Hummingbirds, two Northern Waterthrushes, a Plumbeous Vireo, a bunting (buzz heard), a Lincoln's Sparrow, a juv Broad-winged Hawk (at one point whistling that strange song of theirs), at least 3 Northern Cardinals, and one Red-bellied Woodpecker (heard only).

 On the way home I stopped at the Truck Plaza nw of town - NO Laughing Gull. 

At the Eads Cemetery I had a molting male FOY Blue Grosbeak (Kiowa). 

Nothing of note in the Eads park by the library/police station. 

At Last Chance (Washington) were 28 species, best being a Common Poorwill near the old motel.

Don't know what Lamar has to do to get a measurable rain.  The farmers need a good downpour badly.  All they seem to get are hopeful forecasts followed by wind and dirt.  The Limon area is noticeably greener.  When I got to Fort Collins it was obvious a heavy rain shower had occurred this afternoon, and all evening there was rain, thunder, and lightning. 

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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