Wednesday 7 May 2014

[cobirds] HSR: Dinosaur Ridge (07 May 2014) 9 Raptors

Dinosaur Ridge
Colorado, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: May 07, 2014
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture115118
Bald Eagle0027
Northern Harrier003
Sharp-shinned Hawk0341
Cooper's Hawk11283
Northern Goshawk002
Red-shouldered Hawk000
Broad-winged Hawk178
Red-tailed Hawk217262
Rough-legged Hawk009
Swainson's Hawk022
Ferruginous Hawk009
Golden Eagle0011
American Kestrel1583
Peregrine Falcon026
Prairie Falcon007
Mississippi Kite000
Unknown Accipiter2325
Unknown Buteo0226
Unknown Falcon003
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor019

Observation start time: 08:45:00
Observation end time: 13:45:00
Total observation time: 5 hours
Official CounterRoger Rouch
Observers: Don Taves

Karen from Ward,CO has been following our reports from the Yahoo Group site. She made a first trip to the ridge and offered help spotting. Thank you!

A moderate haze with visibility about 3 km at the beginning of the day with gradual clearing through the morning. Partly cloudy to mostly cloudy. Temperatures from the low to high fifties with a light wind generally from the east at about 2 bft. Sprinkles and one distant thunder at day's end.

Raptor Observations:
All migrants were generally lower in elevation, close to the ridge and in the AM. Haze during the morning limited raptor spots to the west. Of special interest (and a slight identification challenge) was an immature Broad-winged Hawk. Three or more local Red-tailed Hawks used the east valley as a playground as they cruised from south to north becoming almost migrants before returning to repeat the same pattern.

Non-raptor Observations:
As the last official day of the 2014 season this counter and observer send good wishes for the days to follow to all that have participated this year. Hopefully, when we are sweltering in the summer heat we can turn the mental calendar back to the breezy and cool days spent counting raptors, and be refreshed.

No counting tomorrow due to the end of the season.

Report submitted by Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (
Dinosaur Ridge information may be found at:

Site Description
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawkwatch in Colorado and is the
best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Dinosaur Ridge may
be the best place in the country to see the rare dark morph of the Broad-winged
Hawk (a few are seen each spring). Hawkwatchers who linger long enough may see
resident Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and Prairie Falcons, in addition to
migrating Swainson's, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks, American Kestrels and
Turkey Vultures. Peregrine Falcons and Ferruginous Hawks are uncommon; Northern
Goshawk is rare but regular. Non-raptor species include Rock Wren, and sometimes
Bushtit, Western Bluebird, Sandhill Crane, White-throated Swift, American White
Pelican or Dusky Grouse. Birders are always welcome.
The hawkwatch is generally staffed by volunteers from the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory from about 9 AM to around 4 PM from the first week of March to the
first week of May.

Directions to site:
From exit 259 on I-70 towards Morrison, drive south under freeway and take left
into first parking lot, the Stegosaurus lot. Follow small signs from the south
side of lot to hawkwatch site. The hike starts heading east on an old two-track
and quickly turns south onto a trail on the west side of the ridge. When the
trail nears the top of the ridge, turn left, head through the gate, and walk to
the clearly-visible, flat area at the crest of the ridge.

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