Thursday 8 May 2014

[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch, (El Paso/Pueblo) 5/8

Bill Maynard and I thought maybe, the cold front would bring in some birds into Chico Basin Ranch (fee area), El Paso and Pueblo Counties.  So, we met up and birded there.  A little slower than we were hoping.

El Paso County side:
Orchard Oriole - 1 male
Gray Flycatcher - 1
Townsend's Warbler - 1 male
Yellow-breasted Chat - 1

Pueblo County side:
Summer Tanager - 2 (1 at HQ and 1 at Rose)
Northern Waterthrush - 3 (1 at HQ and 2 at Rose)
Townsend's Warbler - 1 male (at HQ)
Black-headed Grosbeak - 1 female
Sora - 1 at Rose Pond (a Starling was imitating a sora at HQ). 
few shorebirds: Least Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher, Wilson's Phalarope, American Avocet.

Several warblers, like Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Virginia's, Orange-crowned, MacGillivray's, Common Yellowthroat, and Wilson's.  Plumbeous Vireo was the only vireos today.

For you SNAKE people:  one red racer (coachwip) and one large bull snake (that Bill almost stepped on!).  One garter snake too, no rattlesnakes, though they are out there, so be watching, while walking around at Chico.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO  

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