Sunday 4 May 2014

[cobirds] Today in Yuma County

Greetings All
Today, Sean Walters and I birded Yuma County (with a quick couple stops in Phillips and a visit to Red Lion SWA in Logan.) We had a resplendent 131 species

Topping the list was a male SCARLET TANAGER in the town of Laird. Next best was a female SUMMER TANAGER at the Wray Fish Hatchery. Also at the fish hatchery was a male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK (with a male Black-headed), WHITE-THROATED, and HARRIS'S SPARROW. Stalker Lake was slow but had a NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH. Wray City Park had a TENNESSEE WARBLER. Shelterbelts north of Wray held GRAY FLYCATCHER, NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH and BLACKPOLL WARBLER. Red Lion had a PEREGRINE and 2 WHIMBREL.

Locally rare for Yuma/NE CO was a Great Egret and a BN Stilt in a pond on the hwy just w of Laird, and 7 Lazuli Bunts in the Shelterbelts

As for e CO specialties, we had Baltimore Oriole at Wray and Laird, Field Sparrow at Stalker, N Cardinal at Wray, Stalker, and Laird, and RB Woodpecker at Wray and Laird.

Yellow Warblers were, surprisingly, found at nearly every stop. Warbling Vireos seemed to have just arrived in small numbers. For Phillips County, two Marbled Godwits at the Haxtun Sewage Ponds were a nice find
Good Luck and Good Birding
Steve Mlodinow.
Approaching Longmont
Sent from my iPhone

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