Monday 5 May 2014

[cobirds] Sondermann and Shooks, Spring Arrivals (El Paso) 5/5

Hi All,

Sondermann Park in Colorado Springs was alive this afternoon (from roughly 1-4pm) with many new birds just come in. The highlights for me were a Lewis' Woodpecker in the snags at the north end of the park, and the first beautiful Lazuli Buntings I've seen this spring. Nearby was what I believe is the same Bullock's Oriole from last week and a Western Kingbird. Around the Biedleman parking lot were a singing Plumbeous Vireo and Western Tanager. Also a MacGillivray's Warbler, mostly staying low in the chokecherries. There was a total of five warbler species, also including dozens of Yellow-rumps, an Orange-crowned, several Common Yellowthroats, and one Wilson's Warbler (interestingly I think of the chryseola subspecies, with orange near the lores). Also present were one Dusky Flycatcher, one unidentified Dusky/Hammond's, and one heard Western Wood-pewee, as well as two Hairy Woodpeckers. Earlier migrants—Gnatcatchers, House Wrens, and Mourning Doves seem to have settled back in.

Took a short walk in Shooks Run Park this morning. Noteworthy there were Orange-crowned and Virginia's Warblers, Common Raven, a leucistic Yellow-rump, a Chimney Swift, and Brown Creeper.

Happy Trails,
Lee Farese
CO Springs

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