Tuesday 6 May 2014

[cobirds] FINALLY, Say's Phoebe returned!

So exciting!  Exactly 1 mo late, a SAPH showed up May 1 and began flying up to the nest box SAPH have been using for 3 yrs!  Saw her taking nesting material up there yesterday morning so I got out my old ball of 70% brown angora yarn that I never used for knitting (and provided for last year’s nest).  I sat on the patio and cut 4-5” strips and scattered dozens of them in the grass.  She was watching me and immediately popped down out of the tree and began picking up bunches of them and flying up to the nest!  So, I cut more and scattered them about!  She obviously is building a nest.  But where is the male?  I have only seen one SAPH at a time in my yard or at the pdog fenceline for the past 6 days.  Mystery!




Kayleen A. Niyo, Ph.D.

Niyo Scientific Communications

5651 Garnet St.

Golden, CO 80403


Kay@KayNiyo.com; www.KayNiyo.com


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