Tuesday 6 May 2014

[cobirds] Eastern Warbling-Vireo, etc., Greenlee Preserve, Boulder Co., 5/6

Hello, birders.

Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County, was decently birdy this morning, Tuesday, May 6.

On the west side of the preserve, I heard and audio-recorded an Eastern Warbling-Vireo. I believe that many, probably most, of the Front Range warbling-vireos east of the foothills are Easterns, not Westerns. This may be a recent phenomenon, dating back just a few years; or maybe the birds have been here for a while, but undetected as such.

Here is a link to some but not all (go figure) of a recent paper (by Yours Truly) on warbling-vireos in Colorado: http://tinyurl.com/Western-Birds-warbling-vireos

Email me if you want a PDF of the whole thing.

Other birds this morning at Greenlee were: 3 Soras, 2 Say's Phoebes, divers swallows, a Bushtit harassing a nest-building fox squirrel, 1 House Wren, 2 Orange-crowned Warblers, 2 Yellow Warblers, 1 Audubon's Warbler, 1 Myrtle Warbler, 4 indeterminate Yellow-rumped Warblers, 2 Wilson's Warblers, 4 Chipping Sparrows, 2 Lark Sparrows, and 2 Bullock's Orioles.

Ted Floyd

Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado

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