Friday 9 May 2014

[cobirds] Black-throated Gray Warbler, El Paso Co, Friday,

Hi COBirders,

Today at Clear Springs Ranch (El Paso Co), I banded a Second-year Male Black-throated Gray Warbler (photos available).  I was about a minute away from closing down the station due to inactivity, when I watched him zip into the net. Great timing!  Soon after a male Nashville Warbler did a fly-buy, but wasn't caught.

Other birds banded at CSR today:
Yellow Warbler m
Song Sparrow 2
Red-winged Blackbird m, 2f
Com Yellowthroat m
Yellow-breasted Chat m

Also caught, but not banded:
Black-chinned Hummingbird f
Spotted Towhee m

Note: The banding today was NOT at the usual CSR site, but 1/2 mile north in willows beside a beaver pond. Access is not easy.  For the main site, Exit I-25 #123, and go east across the double tracks to signs for public parking to the left.  From there it is about a mile walk along the access road (bike?), to the banding site where the road crosses Little Fountain Creek. To get to the beaver ponds, continue north another 0.6 miles, to just before the obvious sod house (and Sodhouse Road). The marsh is on the east side between the road and the main channel for Fountain Creek.  (There was a lot of nesting and mating activity going on in the willows and cottonwoods there this morning, including blackbirds, chickadees, nuthatches, herons, kestrels, Canada Geese, starlings, thrashers, song sparrows, yellowthroats, Yellow Warblers, and hummingbirds.)

Happy Migration,
Steve Brown
Colorado Springs

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