Monday, 1 October 2012

[cobirds] No. Parula Warbler, Towhee Trail, Boulder Co.

About 4:30 pm today I saw a beautiful adult male No. Parula Warbler on a dead limb in a small tree across from the second large cottonwood tree as you walk up Towhee Trail.  This trail takes off of the Mesa Trail about 50 yds north of the parking lot for the So. end of the Mesa Trail.  This parking lot is accessed from Marshall Rd. (hwy. 170), which crosses hwy. 93 a few miles to the east.  I was actually looking for a Wilson's Warbler that I heard chipping in the bushes below when, all of a sudden, the Parula flew up and sat out in the open long enough for me to easily identify it!

Other migrants included many White-crowned Sparrows (most already hidden in bushes for the night), Yellow-rumped Warblers (100+), a few Mtn. Bluebirds, and two Wilson's Warblers.  Hundreds of robins were eating juniper berries.  Townsend's Solitaire's (many) were even defending their bushes and territories against Yellow-rumped Warblers.

Paula Hansley

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