Sunday 18 August 2013

[cobirds] Jackson Reservoir - Morgan County (White-rumped Sandpipers?)

Hello fellow CoBirders --

Went birding by bike around Jackson Reservoir and Andrick Ponds today.

Most intriguing was a pair of probable White-Rumped Sandpipers at the north shore. I saw them only in flight, for about 5 seconds, with a group of about 8 Baird's Sandpipers. They were roughly the same size. I clearly saw a bright, rectangular white patch on the rump above a darker tail. They flew along the lakeshore to the east and I was unable to find them again. I can't make a firm call about their ID because of my complete lack of experience with the species. Someone should go find them to confirm...

Other nice birds:
Black-necked Stilts (Andrick)
Orchard Orioles (Andrick)
Loggerhead Shrike (Andrick)
Semipalmated Plover (Jackson SP)
Forster's Terns (Jackson N shore + two terns that may have been Common Terns)
etc. etc.

Andrick in the morning fog is spectacular. The southernmost pond on MCR 2 is prime for shorebirds.

Chris Rurik
Denver, CO

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