Thursday 15 August 2013

[cobirds] High Park Fire - breeder casualties



Just a little more than a year ago, the High Park Fire assaulted our mountain.  And, now this year’s nesting season nearly done with several species not returning due to loss of suitable habitat.  Now would be the time to use your “delete” key if you have no interest in my observations.


Species not seen this year:


Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Hammond’s Flycatcher

Hermit Thrush

Townsend’s Solitaire

Great Horned Owl

Northern Saw-whet Owl

Flammulated Owl


The woodpeckers are black from working the burned trees. The Cordilleran Flycatchers returned to our porch, but her eggs were pierced and tossed by a House Wren.  They stuck it out through the fire last year and fledged shortly thereafter.  Stinky little wren!


A large area of Calypso Orchids was seared and sterilized, which leaves a hole in my heart. The Lodgepole Pine forest is virtually dead and so very quiet.  Aspen saplings are making a run up the ridge, with hundreds of tiny unidentified conifer sprouts popping up in the areas most scorched.


The cycle of life begins anew.


Carol Sullivan

West Stove Prairie

Bellvue/Larimer county


See Carol's photos at:



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