Monday 12 August 2013

[cobirds] Boulder Bird Club outing recap, 8/12

Hello, Birders.

A dozen of us with the Boulder Bird Club had a marvelous time earlier this "morning," Monday, August 12th, in a semi-legal gathering at an undisclosed location in eastern Boulder County.

We saw scores of Perseids, perhaps more than a hundred, including several magnificent fireballs. We also saw some big brown bats, many artificial satellites, the moons of Jupiter, the Galaxy in Andromeda, the Milky Way, and other things.

And we heard some great stuff. Nocturnal migrants included Chipping Sparrows, a Yellow Warblers, and a wonderful Upland Sandpiper. A splendid performance by the night-singing Barn Swallows. Also Great Horned Owl, Eastern Screech-Owl, Western Grebe, Mallard, and Great Blue Heron. And coyotes.

What a wonderful outing! And it's still not yet sunrise.

Ted Floyd

Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado 

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