Thursday 23 August 2012

[cobirds] store closure

Ok, slap me down now if this isn't ok to put out there as an email on this list serve....
    I just knew all of you would know that the Wild Bird Center on Colorado Blvd and Mexico is being closed. This Saturday is the last day it will be open. Candace's death continues to have harsh repercussions and this is something that effects a large number of us. Perhaps we could drop by in mass after the RMBO picnic and show them our support.
    Debbie Strimple was the manager of that store and is now out of a job and, as you know, Wild Bird Rehab Center is being forced to leave their site as of Oct 31. They have been looking for a new home to no avail. 3000 birds go through the center every season. What a horrible loss that would be. Any ideas?
    Thanks, Deb Carstensen, Arapahoe County 

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