Sunday 15 September 2013

[cobirds] RMBO Barr Banding Station Report, 9/15/13

SLOW, and then rain.  A letdown after yesterday!


We had about 3 hours of fairly cloudy but dry skies before the humidity began to rise and we knew the rain was going to come fast. But the birds had taken the morning off – one of the birders who stopped by the station described them as “sluggish”.  We banded only 11 birds, and caught only 6 others that we had banded in recent days.  Here are the 11:


Dusky Flycatcher          1

Warbling Vireo 1

House Wren     1

Common Yellowthroat  2

Wilson’s Warbler         5

Lincoln’s Sparrow        1


Our schedule for the balance of the week, WEATHER PERMITTING,  is to be open through Thurs, then closed Friday (9/20).  Additional closed days this season include Tues (9/24), Fri (10/4) and Mon (10/7). 


Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

303/329-8091 (land line)

303/349-0245 (cell)


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