Thursday 23 August 2012

Re: [cobirds] Manitou Lake Waterthrush ID help

Looks like a Northern Waterthrush, based on beige or "off-white" supercilium, throat spotting, lack of white underparts with buffy flank patch,
smallish bill.
 Upon request, I have photos of a Louisiana Waterthrush from Central Park, New York City last April.
The LOWA I photographed has a huge bill, very white supercilium, wider behind the eye and clean white underparts contrasting with a buffy flank 
patch. I recall that Cobirds does not permit photos to be attached. The friendly New York birders described the gait of the LOWA
as a "sashay," noticeably different from the bobbing motion of the Northern Waterthrush.
You could put the LOWA photos on your website, Robb, for comparison. I do not have a functioning website right now.
Thanks for trying to get an image of that Brewster's Warbler! 
Bob and Bob show records of that hybrid warbler from 4/30/80 and 5/21-22/87, both from Colorado Springs State Wildlife Area, El Paso.
I vaguely recall seeing one in the 90's in CO.
When will CO get the more rare "Lawrence's" Warbler, also a Golden-winged x Blue-winged Warbler hybrid?
Probably never.

Joe Roller, Denver

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Robb Hinds <> wrote:
I have posted a few pictures of the waterthrush that was first seen by Jeff Jones earlier today. We would like for people to provide their opinion on whether this is a Northern or Louisiana Waterthrush.
The photos can be viewed on my pbase website.
Robb Hinds
Colorado Springs

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