Thursday 2 August 2012

[cobirds] Royal Tern at Barr Lake this afternoon, other miscellany in Aurora

Joe and Cobirders,

Dan Brooke had the Royal Tern (as well as a Forster’s Tern and a Franklin’s Gull) at (Sand)Barr Lake this afternoon at about 1:45 PM.  He was on the “usual” spit near the north end, and was flushed by about 10 Canada geese after about 10 minutes. 

We are on day 8 of a male Calliope Hummingbird in our Aurora yard, the first we’ve seen in about 15 years here.  Of course, it’s been an odd summer, about 3 days after the High Park fire started, a Mountain Chickadee showed up and fed a fledgling suet (nonstop) for about a week (we’ve never seen this species in the summer), and we’ve had 2 male Lesser Goldfinches that came 2 days after the Waldo Canyon fire blew into the inferno that came into the Co Springs foothills, and they are only our second record in 15 years. 

One way to honor Candace Stuart, who was truly a gift to the birding community, would be to consider making a contribution to WILD B.I.R.D., as Debbie Strimple continues the tireless work started by Catherine “Birdie” Hurlbutt, caring for wild birds in the urban interface.  

Cheryl Teuton


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