Thursday 2 August 2012

[cobirds] Report from NW Custer County



At our cabin (9200 ft. elev.) in northwest Custer County my wife and I have not seen one Chipping Sparrow this year.  I can't remember one year in the last 40 without any of this species.  Also very unusual is the absence of bluebirds in our nest boxes.  We normally have Mountain Bluebirds that usually successfully fledge but last year a pair of Western Bluebirds did so, but not Mountain Bluebirds.  This year a pair of Westerns showed up early, but very briefly, and we have not seen any bluebirds at our elevation since.  Similarly, the Violet-green Swallows that regularly nested in years past have not for three years now, but are present about a mile (some 300 ft. in elev.) below.


I would blame the drought and lack of insects but a tame pair of Cordilleran Flycatchers easily fledged four young by harvesting bugs within a short distance of their nest on our deck.  Also miller moths have been abundant so I think there has been enough food for successful nesting.


On a more positive note, it seems there has been a little increase in the number of Common Ravens over the past couple of years as they rebound from a possible bout with the West Nile Virus.  The American Crows are doing fine.


Leon Bright

Westcliffe and Pueblo

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