Thursday 2 August 2012

[cobirds] Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, Thursday, August 2, 2012

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:         August 2, 2012
email:        rba AT
phone:       303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for  Thursday, August 2, 2012, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star Key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (*denotes that there is new information on this species in this report)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Clear Creek)
Little Blue Heron (Adams)
Green Heron (El Paso, *Jefferson)
Mississippi Kite (*Weld)
White-winged Dove (*Prowers)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Prowers)
Black Phoebe (Delta, Fremont)
Eastern Phoebe (Fremont)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Adams, Sedgwick)
Cassin's Kingbird (Prowers)
Bell's Vireo (Logan)
Purple Martin (Garfield, Sedgwick)
Carolina Wren (Douglas)
Northern Parula (Washington)
Summer Tanager (Jefferson)
Northern Cardinal (*Jefferson, Logan, *Prowers)
Indigo Bunting (Jefferson)

Adams County:
--A Little Blue Heron in transitional phase plumage was reported by Canter at Lowell Ponds SWA on July 19.  It was along the shore and on the island of Heron Lake.  Lowell Ponds is at 56th and Lowell.  Gonder reported the Little Blue Heron at Lowell and Clear Creek on July 22.  On July 26, Canter reported the  Little Blue at Clear Creek and Lowell.  On July 29 Gillilan reported the Little Blue Heron at the eastern edge of Lowell Ponds.
--A ROYAL TERN was reported by Mlodinow at Barr Lake on July 29.    Mlodinow reported a Great Crested Flycatcher near the nature center at Barr Lake on July 29.  On July 30 Stachowiak and Kilpatrick along with many other birders saw the ROYAL TERN at Barr Lake.  Goff reported that the ROYAL TERN was seen around 1030 on July 31 on a buoy at Barr Lake.

Arapahoe County:
--A juv YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was reported by P J Ross near South Platte Park on July 25.

Clear Creek County:
--The Barrow's Goldeneye family of mama and six ducklings was reported by Shade and the DFO field trip to Mount Evans on July 26 at Echo Lake.  On July 27, Kingery reported that the Barrow's Goldeneye family was down to 5 ducklings.  Gillilan reported on July 29 that the Barrow's Goldeneye family continues with 5 ducklings.

Delta County:
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Cooper at the old Hotchkiss Sewer Lagoons on July 26.

Douglas County:
--The Carolina Wren first reported by Huffstater in June was refound by Guarlt on July 22.  Take the middle I-25 exit in Castle Rock and go east and then south on Wilcox St to 2nd Ave.  Turn left and park in the angled parking on the street.  Take the trail west towards Plum Creek, go under the Wilcox bridge, and turn left at the trail junction in 100 yard or so you will come to a black bench.  The wren was south of the bench.  On July 28 Dunning relocated the Carolina Wren in the same area.  

El Paso County:
--A Green Heron was reported by Koehn at Rice's Pond at Fountain Creek Regional Park on July 20.  The Green Heron was reported by Miller at the SE end of South Rice's Pond at Fountain Creek on July 27.

Fremont County:
--A LEAST BITTERN was flushed by Rich Miller from Cattails along the S shore of Holcim Wetlands on July 25.  Miller also reported 2 Black Phoebes and 3 Eastern Phoebes at Holcim.

Garfield County:
--Purple Martins were reported by Brett Walker flying over Roan Plateau on July 26.
--A Purple Martin was reported by Brett Walker on Skinner Ridge on July 30.

Jefferson County:
--An Indigo Bunting was reported by Henwood at Red Rocks on July 27.  It was in the NW corner of the upper South Parking lot behind Ship Rock.
--A male Indigo Bunting was seen and heard by Henwood at Bear Creek Lake Park on July 28.  The bunting was E of Muskrat Meadows.
--A molting m Summer Tanager was reported by Henwood at Bear Creek Lake Park on July 28.  The tanager was along the road in the seep area just E of Muskrat Meadows.
--A Northern Cardinal was reported by Mayfield at Prospect Park in Wheat Ridge on August 1.  The Cardinal was S of the boardwalk that runs through the marsh east of West Lake.
--A Green Heron was reported by Mayfield on August 1 on the west side of Prospect Lake on the little platform dock with cormornats and Canada Geese.

Logan County:
--A couple of Northern Cardinal were reported by Kaempfer at Tamarack Ranch SWA on July 29.
--A Bell's Vireo was reported by Kaempfer at Red Lion on July 29.

Prowers County:
--At Lamar Community College Woods on August 1, Leatherman reported 3 Northern Cardinals (2m,1f).
--At Fairmount Cemetery in Lamar on July 27, Leatherman reported Cassin's Kingbird.
--A Red-bellied Woodpecker was reported by Charier at the N end of Willow Creek Park in Lamar on July 28.  Leatherman reported Red-bellied Woodpecker at Willow Creek Park and neighborhood E of park.
--White-winged Doves were reported by Leatherman in Willow Valley neighborhood E of Willow Creek Park on August 1.

Sedgwick County:
--Lots of Great Crested Flycatchers were reported by Kaempfer at the roadside rest stop in Julesburg on July 29.
--Kaempfer reported a cooperative Great Crested Flycatcher at Jumbo CG on July 29.
--A first summer Purple Martin was reported by Kaempfer at dePooter Lake in Julesburg on July 29.

Washington County:
--A f Northern Parula was reported by Mlodinow along the inlet canal at Prewitt on July 26.

Weld County:
--Two Mississippi Kites were reported by Lefko at Glenmere Park in Greeley with nesting material on July 15.  On July 17, France and Roller reported several Mississippi Kites, Roller had 5.  Leatherman reported on July 20 that the 2 ad Mississippi Kites along with 3 imm continue at Glenmere Park.  On July 22 around 1630 Komar reported that 7+ Mississippi Kites came into roost around the East end of the lake near the Pavilion building at Glenmere Park.  On July 26 around 1645 Rushton reported that 7 Mississippi Kites came into roost in the tall Cottonwood to the right of the pavilion as you face the pavilion with your back to the lake.  On July 31, Galbach reported 3 Mississippi Kites at Glenmere coming into  roost.

The DFO field trip for Saturday, August 4 will be to Gregory Canyon led by Paul Slingsby (303-422-3728).  Meet the leader at I-70 and Ward Road Park-n-Ride at 0600 or you can meet the group at Gregory Canyon at 0700.  There is a fee and very limited parking there so please contact leader to arrange carpooling so the minimum amount of cars will be there.  This is a half day trip so lunch is optional but you will need drinking water and snacks.

The DFO field trip for Sunday, August 5 will be to Rocky Mountain National Park led by Ed Holub (303-979-2194).  Meet the leader at 0800 at park Visitor's Center, east of Beaver Meadows entrance on US 36.  Three-quarter day trip, bring lunch and water and clothing for changeable weather.  National Parks Pass required.  Call leader if going.
Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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