Monday 20 August 2012

[cobirds] Manitou Lake - Teller Co - very birdy

Yesterday evening I got to spend a couple hours at Manitou Lake in Teller Co. Weather was fantastic.


·         It was very birdy. Hundreds of Yellow-rumped Warblers.

·         Soras and Virginia Rails readily seen.

·         Nice look at an adult Cooper’s Hawk.

·         Indigo Bunting was still hanging out in the same area as a week before. More molted into fall plumage now.

·         Probably about 30 Western Wood-Pewees. House Wrens and Gray Catbirds in every corner.

·         One Eastern Kingbird and about a dozen Western Kingbirds were present. That doesn’t happen often up here.


Manitou Lake can and does get quite birdy for a couple weeks in mid-August and then dies down going into September.


Probably had immatures of Brewers Sparrows, MacGillivray’s Warblers, Common Yellowthroats and a few others I didn’t get to ID confidently. The willows were simply thick in every corner.


39 species in all. Complete list below.


Jeff J Jones


Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands



FIRST SIGHTINGS: World: 0, Location: 0, Annual: 6, World Annual: 2

Species: 39 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 39

Total Records: 39


Canada Goose                   Branta canadensis           

Mallard                        Anas platyrhynchos          

Blue-winged Teal               Anas discors                

Green-winged Teal              Anas crecca                 

Canvasback [a]                 Aythya valisineria          

Common Merganser               Mergus merganser            

American White Pelican         Pelecanus erythrorhynchos   

Great Blue Heron               Ardea herodias              

Cooper's Hawk [a]              Accipiter cooperii          

Red-tailed Hawk                Buteo jamaicensis           

Virginia Rail                  Rallus limicola             

Sora                           Porzana carolina            

Eurasian Collared-Dove         Streptopelia decaocto       

Mourning Dove                  Zenaida macroura            

Broad-tailed Hummingbird       Selasphorus platycercus     

Belted Kingfisher              Megaceryle alcyon           

Northern Flicker               Colaptes auratus             

Western Wood-Pewee             Contopus sordidulus         

Western Kingbird [a]           Tyrannus verticalis         

Eastern Kingbird [a*]          Tyrannus tyrannus           

American Crow                  Corvus brachyrhynchos       

Tree Swallow                   Tachycineta bicolor         

Northern Rough-winged Swallow  Stelgidopteryx serripennis  

Cliff Swallow                  Petrochelidon pyrrhonota    

Barn Swallow                   Hirundo rustica             

White-breasted Nuthatch        Sitta carolinensis          

Pygmy Nuthatch                 Sitta pygmaea               

House Wren                     Troglodytes aedon           

Gray Catbird                   Dumetella carolinensis      

Yellow Warbler                 Setophaga petechia          

Yellow-rumped Warbler          Setophaga coronata          

Wilson's Warbler [a*]          Cardellina pusilla          

Chipping Sparrow               Spizella passerina          

Lark Sparrow [a]               Chondestes grammacus        

Song Sparrow                   Melospiza melodia           

Indigo Bunting                 Passerina cyanea            

Red-winged Blackbird           Agelaius phoeniceus         

Red Crossbill                  Loxia curvirostra           

American Goldfinch             Spinus tristis              


Birder's Diary - - 8/20/2012

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