Tuesday 21 August 2012

[cobirds] Buff-breasted Sandpipers - Jackson Lake SP, Morgan

Hi all,
While looking for Steve's birds at Jackson Lake SP, Morgan County, I came across 3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers in the very northeast corner.  I accessed that corner from the parking lot in the northern SWA portion of the lake.  It's about a 1/2 mile (or slightly more) hike across stinky mudflats.  Four curlews, the Whimbrel, and godwit were together in that corner also (earlier in the day the godwit and Whimbrel had been in the southwest corner).  No Least Tern that I could find, although I didn't check the entire lake.
Barr Lake SP, Adams, was very birdy at sunrise this morning.  Loads of Yellow and Wilson's Warblers, one Townsend's Warbler, 3 Blue Grosbeaks, 1 Lazuli Bunting, were the highlights.  Shorebirds were virtually non-existent on the south end.  There is a small island that is easily viewable from the boat ramp in the northeast corner.  I think it would worth checking that from time to time since the islands from the Royal Tern days have now joined with the mainland.
Crow Valley Campground, Weld, was fairly unbirdy, although it was 1PM by the time I got there.  An Olive-sided Flycatcher was the highlight.  Tons of wood-pewees and one Townsend's Warbler.
Loloff Res., Weld, still has lots of Black-necked Stilts, a small handful of avocets, and a smattering of other common shorebirds.
good birding,
Doug Faulkner
Arvada, CO

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