Tuesday 21 August 2012

[cobirds] Barr Banding Station, 8/20/12

Hi Cobirders,


Birds were very active yesterday morning at the Barr Lake Station area, where we were working with DMNS staff to prep for a live-feed Science in Action program to be held in mid-October.  The weather was cool and the captures were steady throughout the morning, producing 75 new birds, 16 species (also caught 20 birds banded in the 3 other days we’ve been unofficially open).


Downy Woodpecker      2

Western Wood-pewee 5

Willow Flycatcher             3

Dusky Flycatcher              1

Warbling Vireo  1

Black-capped Chickadee               1 (banded 9/2/11)

House Wren       11

Nashville Warbler            1

Yellow Warbler 25

Townsend’s Warbler      1

MacGillivray’s Warbler   1

Wilson’s Warbler              1

Yellow-breasted Chat    1

Chipping Sparrow            19

Brewer’s Sparrow            1

Lark Sparrow      1


Looking forward to seeing many of you this Saturday – opening day for us and, of course, the day of the RMBO picnic!  If not then, anytime in the next 7 weeks……we will be open 6 days a week, and always on weekends, until Oct 14 (weather permitting).




Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory



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