Tuesday 17 September 2013

[cobirds] RMBO Barr Banding State report, 9/17/13

Caught a fair number of birds early on, and then things slowed way down as it warmed up.  Most of the birds had little or no fat, suggesting they might have just arrived.  But, seem to be plenty of insects still around.  Here’s the rundown of the 30 new birds:


Downy Woodpecker    1

Dusky Flycatcher          1

House Wren     2

Swainson’s Thrush        1

Hermit Thrush   1

Orange-crowned Warbler         2

Common Yellowthroat  1

Wilson’s Warbler         15

Chipping Sparrow        2

Lincoln’s Sparrow        3

House Sparrow            1


Closed this Friday (9/20) and next Tuesday (9/24).  Otherwise open daily from now throught the end of next week.


Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

303/329-8091 (land line)

303/349-0245 (cell)


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