Wednesday 18 September 2013

[cobirds] RMBO Banding at Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso Co.

The first half of the week brought us fewer birds for banding at Chico Basin Ranch – species and totals follow.  While we banded only 9 birds on Monday, one of them was a new species for the station, a Great Crested Flycatcher.  On Tuesday we banded three FOS species: Red-shafted Flicker, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Northern Waterthrush.   Total thus far for the season is 932 birds of 32 species.


Monday 9/16:  Total 9

Western Flycatcher – 1

Great Crested Flycatcher - 1

Swainson's Thrush - 1

Wilson's Warbler – 5

Lazuli Bunting  - 1


Tuesday 9/17:  Total 40

Red-shafted Flicker - 1

Western Wood-Pewee – 1

Least Flycatcher - 1

Hammond's Flycatcher – 2

Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1

House Wren – 2

Swainson's Thrush – 3

Hermit Thrush – 2

Orange-crowned Warbler – 1

Ovenbird – 1

Northern Waterthush - 1

MacGillivray's Warbler - 1

Wilson's Warbler – 11

Blue Grosbeak – 4

Clay-colored Sparrow – 1

Chipping Sparrow – 2

Mountain White-crowned Sparrow – 1

Lincoln's Sparrow - 4


Wednesday, 9/18:  Total 30

Hammond's Flycatcher – 1

Cassin's Vireo - 1

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1

American Robin – 2

Orange-crowned Warbler – 2

Northern Waterthrush – 1

MacGillivray's Warbler - 2

Wilson's Warbler – 6

Green-tailed Towhee - 2

Clay-colored Sparrow – 1

Chipping Sparrow – 3

Lincoln's Sparrow - 8


Nancy Gobris

Steve Brown, Susan Craig

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

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